Lovoy's Team Works
Influencer: The Power to Change Anything™
Motivation: How to Bring Out the Best in Employees
Interviewing: Evidence-Based for Selecting the Best
Coaching: High Performance and Productive Work Habits
Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High™
Crucial Confrontations: Tools for Resolving Broken Promises, Violated Expectations and Bad Behavior™
Change: Thriving, not Just Surviving
A Taste of Supervision: A Day in the Life of A Supervisor
Influencer: The Power to Change Anything™
Influencer training provides proven strategies for successfully uprooting entrenched habits, driving sustained improvement and executing change initiatives.
What’s the problem?
• Corporate leaders have racked up a dismal influence record. Whether the intent of the program is to improve quality, assimilate a newly acquired company, change the corporate culture, or boost productivity, the research is clear: most efforts disappoint.
• Leaders failed to engage people's hearts and minds and change the behavior needed to ensure success. Leaders then fall back on mandating change, a formula that inevitably results in failure and frustration.
• Leaders make the common mistake of identifying what they think is the root cause of a problem, and assuming there is only one cause and one solution.
Research for this training reveals that those who employ four or more influence strategies are ten times more likely to achieve desired outcomes than those who use only one or two. The most important capacity you possess is your ability to influence behavior but few of us can articulate a model of what it takes to do so. By drawing from the skills of many of the world’s best change agents and combining them with five decades of social-science research, Influencer training creates a powerful and portable model for changing behaviors, a model that anyone can learn and apply. When you understand the forces behind any behavior, you hold the power to change anything. To summarize, Influencer training can help you:
Successfully lead change initiatives.
Transform corporate culture.
Improve compliance with safety regulations.
Become empowered to solve problems within your team.
Diagnose the real cause behind problems and create real solutions.
Influence across the organization with or without formal authority.
Who should attend this training?
Executives and front-line employees, community and political leaders alike; in short: anyone.
Participants will receive training to:
• Use the powerful Influencer Model to develop and apply a robust influence strategy to anything from small- to large-scale cultural transformations.
• Develop tools that can and have been applied to any problem.
• Discern how to improve quality, reduce cost and bolster morale.
• Diagnose the web of causes behind any problem and create powerful strategies for driving change.
• Identify a handful of high-leverage behaviors that, if changed, will lead to desired results.
• Rely less on formal authority and more on ways to motivate and enable others to alter their behavior.
• Discover how by moving from employing one or two strategies to using four or more, the participant will be ten times more likely to achieve the desired results.
• Create a strategy that encourages employees to effectively and willingly adopt these behaviors.
Course Requirements:
Length and Format of Course: 14 hours. The course involves a combination of live training, compelling videos, extensive in-class practice, group participation, and personal planning to develop strategies for resolving tough issues. It is recommended that, if possible, the training be scheduled for two training days that are a week apart.
Equipment: LCD projector and screen; flipchart stand, pad and markers; post-it notes; blank name tags; sharpies and highlighters
Materials: Purchased by Lovoy’s Team Works, Inc. and billed to the client. One package per participant is required. Materials are reasonably priced. Please contact us for current cost. Includes:
Influencer Participant Toolkit (152-page manual)
Influencer Challenge Workbook
Influencer Model card and Six-Source Model card
A copy of the New York Times bestselling book Influencer: The Power to Change Anything
Influencer Audio Companion (six-CD audio program for strengthening your understanding and skills)
A course completion certificate
Free access to post-training participant Web site: videos, exercises, assessments, additional reading, and more
A link to an action plan that may be downloaded as many times as needed for any planning or change effort
Free subscription to the Crucial Skills Newsletter, a weekly e-mail service
How to Bring Out the Best in Employees
Managers are discovering that the OSFA (One Size Fits All) reward system simply does not work. Furthermore, the different generations often are frustrated with one another and the following opinions are often stated:.
"They're nothing but a bunch of slackers..."
"I want a life outside of work..."
"They seem to expect to go right to the top with sign-on bonuses, but don't want to pay their dues..."
"I never want to feel irrelevant due to my age..."
Using the text, Generations at Work: Managing the Clash of Veterans, Boomers, Xers, and Nexters in Your Workplace, Zemke, et al, participants engage in a facilitated dialogue to determine why the different generations at work have conflict and how each generation must be engaged to contribute its best. In this module, the participants will learn how being aware of the concerns of the different generations and CONSEQUENCES play a bigger role in motivating employees and providing a reward system that works!
Participants will receive training to:
Identify what motivates employees in each generation
Identify what motivates employees according to their personalities
Determine why organizations need employees from different generations which recruitment techniques are appropriate to accomplish this goal
Recognize why each generation has value in the organization
Put a tool in their toolbox to give them to conduct a 360 degree feedback process with the team
Course Requirements:
Length of Course: 4.5 hours.
Equipment: LCD projector and screen; 4 flipchart stands, pads and 18 markers; blank name tags; and highlighters
Number of participants: The larger the group, the richer the discussion.
Materials: Master handout is furnished to the client. One copy should be photocopied for each participant.
Text: Generations at Work: Managing the Clash of Veterans, Boomers, Xers, and Nexters in Your Workplace, Zemke, et al (one copy purchased per participant—available from Amazon.com; to order click on book)
Evidence-Based to Select the Best
"What are your strengths?" and "What are your weaknesses?" are typical, but poor questions used in interviews. During this module, the supervisor/manager examines questions typically used in interviews and discovers why many of those questions are ineffective. They learn how to analyze a position description to determine the knowledge, skills and abilities required for the position. Finally, they design questions that can be used immediately after the workshop is completed.
The participants will also learn what questions should be avoided as discriminatory. The impact of the "Americans with Disabilities Act" on the interviewing process is also included. This course is suitable for both managers and employees who participate in interviewing.
Participants will receive training to:
Determine what types of questions are ineffective and should not be used in the interview process.
Identify improper or illegal interview questions
Become oriented to the requirements of the Americans with Disability Act and how it applies both to the interview and selection process
Determine what performance they expect from the employees and how to improve the selection process to get a better fit for the position
Course Requirements:
Length of Course: 5 hours.
Equipment: LCD projector and screen; VCR, blank name tags and highlighters
Number of Participants: The larger the group, the richer the discussion.
Materials: Master handout is furnished to the client. One copy should be photocopied for each participant.
High Performance and Productive Work Habits
This module takes the supervisor/managers through the coaching process beginning with the employee's first day on the job, continuing through on-going coaching and observation, complete with action plans if the employee is having performance or work habit problems. They discover that all employees, not just those performing poorly or those who have work habit problems, need follow up, feedback, and evaluation.
Goal setting, counseling, coaching and documentation skills are covered. Supervisors and managers are encouraged to bring real problems they are encountering to the session to explore solutions and leave with a plan of action to resolve the situations. Job aids are provided that are to be used after completing the class.
Participants will receive training to:
Exchange expectations and set goals with their subordinates.
Determine what outputs their employees should produce and how to observe performance and conduct.
Give and receive feedback.
Identify the skills needed to deliver tough messages in counseling and progressive discipline sessions.
Discern which narrative statements are appropriate for performance evaluations and counseling sessions.
Develop a plan of action to handle performance and work habit problems.
Course Requirements:
Length of Course: 12 hours. Clients are encouraged to break this module into 3 four hour segments or 2 six hour segments to enable the participants to apply their skills between the sessions.
Number of Participants: The larger the group, the richer the discussion.
Materials: Master handout is furnished to the client. One copy should be photocopied for each participant.
Crucial Conversations:
Tools for Talking When Stakes are High™
This course, based on the best-selling book by the same name, focuses on eliminating obstacles in the workplace that make it difficult to tell the truth, ridding the workplace of fear, blame, and secrecy. Practical steps to restore trust are included.
Participants will receive training to:
Determine what is Dialogue and how to work on self first
Spot the top six safety killers
Increase candor and decrease defensiveness
Master emotions, thoughts, or reactions that destroy dialogue
Speak persuasively, not abrasively
Power up listening
Make decisions and establishing accountability
Course Requirements:
Length of Course: 16 hours. Course can be broken up into modules depending on the needs of the client.
Equipment: LCD projector and screen; flipchart stand, pad and markers; blank name tags; 1 plain folder per person, post-it notes, sharpies and highlighters
Materials: Purchased by Lovoy’s Team Works, Inc. and billed to the client. One package per participant is required. Materials are reasonably priced. Please contact us for current cost. Includes:
Participant Toolkit (240+ page manual)
Model card
Reminder cards for each section of the toolkit
A copy of the New York Times bestselling book Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High
Audio Companion (six-CD audio program for strengthening your understanding and skills)
A course completion certificate
Free access to post-training participant Web site: videos, exercises, assessments, additional reading, and more
Free subscription to the Crucial Skills Newsletter, a weekly e-mail service
Crucial Confrontations:
Tools for Dealing with Broken Promises, Violated Expectations and Bad Behavior™
Behind the problems that routinely plague organizations and families, you’ll find individuals who are either unwilling or unable to deal with failed promises. Others have broken rules, missed deadlines, failed to live up to commitments, or just plain behaved badly—and nobody steps up to the issue. Or they do, but do a lousy job and create a whole new set of problems. Accountability suffers and new problems spring up. New research demonstrates that these disappointments aren’t just irritating; they’re costly—sapping organizational performance by 20-50% and accounting for up to 90% of divorces.
Crucial Confrontations teaches skills drawn from 10,000 hours of real-life observations to increase confidence in facing issues like:
An employee speaks to you in an insulting tone that steps crosses the line between sarcasm and insubordination. Now what?
Your boss just committed you to a deadline you know you can’t meet—and not-so-subtly hinted he doesn’t want to hear complaints about it.
Your son walks through the door sporting colorful new body art that raises your blood pressure by forty points. Speak now, pay later.
An accountant wonders how to step up to a client who is violating the law. Can you spell unemployment?
Family members fret over how to tell granddad that he should no longer drive his car. This is going to get ugly.
A nurse worries about what to say to an abusive physician. She quickly remembers “how things work around here” and decides not to say anything.
Everyone knows how to run for cover, or if adequately provoked, step up to these confrontations in a way that causes a real ruckus. That we have down pat. Crucial Confrontations teaches you how to deal with violated expectations in a way that solves the problem at hand, and doesn’t harm the relationship—and in fact, even strengthens it.
Participants will receive training to:
Determine what is a Crucial Confrontation?
How to know WHAT crucial Confrontation to hold and if you should hold it.
How to prepare to set up a crucial confrontation.
How to help others to want to take action.
How to make keeping commitments (almost!) painless
What to do when others get sidetracked, scream, or sulk.
Course Requirements:
Length of Course: 14 hours. Course can be broken up into modules depending on the needs of the client.
Equipment: LCD projector and screen; flipchart stand, pad and markers; blank name tags; post-it notes, sharpies and highlighters
Materials: Purchased by Lovoy’s Team Works, Inc. and billed to the client. One package per participant is required. Materials are reasonably priced and are high value. Please contact us for current cost. Includes:
Participant Toolkit (190+ page manual)
Model card
Reminder cards for each section of the toolkit
A copy of the New York Times bestselling book Crucial Confrontations:
Tools for Dealing with Broken Promises, Violated Expectations and Bad Behavior
Audio Companion (six-CD audio program for strengthening your understanding and skills)
A course completion certificate
Free access to post-training participant Web site: videos, exercises, assessments, additional reading, and more
Free subscription to the Crucial Skills Newsletter, a weekly e-mail service
Thriving, not Just Surviving
Mergers, acquisitions, transfers, reorganizations, layoffs, downsizings, rightsizings: No matter what you call them, they all add up to the conclusion that nothing is more certain than "death, taxes, and CHANGE". In this course participants learn that some reactions are normal and that they can take steps to cope with these reactions to change. In the course text, Managing Transitions, the author provides a clear understanding of how change affects both employees and managers. In the workshop the participants explore how employees and managers can conversely affect the organization. The real drama is of course, what is happening inside those who are caught in the tornadoes of change that consume organizations. This course provides practical steps for ways to effectively implement change. The participants will examine changes that have already occurred in their organizations and do a post evaluation on what could have been done differently and what went well. They will design action plans for handling future changes.
Participants will receive training to:
Identify key events in the history of the organization and the impact of any resulting changes
Evaluate past changes for issues handled well and lessons learned
Examine the process of change
Apply the process to determine how to better facilitate change in the future
Design action plans
Course Requirements:
Length of Course: 4 hours.
Equipment: LCD projector and screen; flipchart stand, pad and markers; blank name tags; and highlighters
Materials: A master copy for photocopying for each participant will be furnished to the client.
Text: Managing Transitions, William Bridges (one copy purchased per participant—may be obtained through Amazon.com--to order click on book)
Taste of Supervision: A Day in the Life of a Supervisor
Often individuals who are interested in applying for the position of a supervisor or manager are unaware of the extreme demands of the job and what it takes to be successful. The transition from coworker to management can be a difficult adjustment if one is not savvy in gaining the cooperation of others.
This class requires the participants to work in pairs for the course simulation. With a timer clicking, and with intense pressure in the air, they are given different crises which require immediate responses to problems that are both difficult and delicate. They have to identify:
What is the problem?
Whom does this problem affect?
What are some alternative courses of action as well as the pros and cons of each?
Who could be enlisted to help?
What is their final decision about how to handle the situation?
How could this problem be avoided in the future?
What can they apply to making the transition from coworker to supervisor much smoother?
Participants will receive training to:
Practice delegation
Make decisions under difficult conditions
Handle performance and conduct problems
Deal with upper management
Gain cooperation outside the work unit
Write performance appraisals
Deal with changing internal relationships as a result of being promoted
Improve communication skills
Balance work and personal demands on time
Course Requirements:
Length of Course: 6 hours.
Equipment: 4 flipchart stands, pads and markers; blank name tags; and highlighters
Materials: Master handout is furnished to the client. One copy should be photocopied for each participant.